Acronym and Definition

A. Software Design Principle 

S O L I D  Principle 

   SRP - Single Responsible Principle
   OCP - Open / Close Principle (Open to extend and close to modification)
   LSP - Liskov Substitution Principle ( A subclass should behave in such a way that it would not cause any problems when used instead of superclass )
   ISP - Interface segregation Principle (Clients should not forced to depend on interfaces that they do not use)
   DIP - Dependency inversion Principle ( avoid new() in a class as much as possible)

A C I D Principle 


C A P Theorem :

CAP theorem, also known as Brewer's theorem, states that it is impossible for a distributed computer system to simultaneously provide all three of the following guarantees

Consistency (all nodes see the same data at the same time)
Availability (a guarantee that every request receives a response about whether it succeeded or failed)
Partition tolerance (the system continues to operate despite arbitrary message loss or failure of part of the system)

B. Software Design Patterns

Gof : Gang of Four ( Creational, Structural and Behavioural )

GRASP : General Responsibility Assignment Software Pattern

MVC : Model View Controller

MVVM : Model View, View Model

C. Software Architecture 

TOGAF : The Open Group Architecture Framework

FEA : Federal Enterprise Architecture

SOA : Service Oriented Architecture ( Container, Broker [Adopter, translator, Mediator]  and Process co-ordinator )

MOF : Microsoft Operational Framework

DoDAF : Depart of Defense Architecture Framework

MoDAF : Ministry of Defense Architecture Framework

IIIRM : Integrated Information Infrastructure Reference Model enables and supports the boundary less information flow

Gartners  :

D. Software Protocols

REST : Representational State Transfer

SOAP : Simple Object Access Protocol

JSON : Java Simple Object Notation

BSON : Binary Simple Object Notation

E. Software Practices 

Objects should be High Cohesion and low coupling

Think modern Polyglot Persistence

KPI : Key Performance Indicators

KISS : Keep It Simple Stupid

DRY : Don't Repeat Yourself

CRUD : Create Read Update Delete

POCO : Plain Old Clr Object

F. Software Methodologies and Procedures 

SDLC : Software Development Life Cycle
ALM : Application Lifecycle Management
Scrum : Agile Methodology

F. Software Definitions  

Abstraction – a technique of describing detailed and complex content in a generalized fashion.
Activity – A task or collection of tasks supporting organizational functions.
Actor – a person, organization, or system, which initiates or interacts with activities.
Application – an operational IT system supporting business functions and services.
Application Architecture – a description of logical groupings of capabilities used to manage the data objects required support the business.
Application Platform – a collection of technology components of hardware and software used to support applications.
Application Platform Interface (API) – an interface or set of functions, between the application software and application platform.
Architectural Style – distinctive features showing how architectures perform.
Architecture – 1) a formal description of a system or detailed plan of a system at the component level to aid implementation. 2) The structure of components, relationships, principles, and guidelines, which govern design and growth over time.
Architecture Building Block (ABB) – a form of the architecture model.
Architecture Continuum – a part of the Enterprise Continuum comprising of a repository of architectural elements.
Architecture Development Method (ADM) – a formal approach to develop and use enterprise architecture
Architecture Domain – a specific area of the architecture where development focus can reside. Four domains exist within TOGAF: business, data, application, and technology.
Architecture Framework – a structure or set of structures used to develop different architectures.
Architecture Governance – the practice and orientation for managing and controlling architectures at an enterprise level.
Architecture Principles – a statement of intent used to identify requirements for the architecture.
Architecture View – a defined perspective of the architecture.
Architecture Vision – 1) a high-level view of the Target Architecture. 2) A phase in the ADM defining the Architecture Vision. 3) A specific deliverable of the Architecture Vision phase.
Artifact – an architectural work product describing the architecture from a specific viewpoint.
Baseline – A formally reviewed and agreed upon specification, which serves as the basis for development or change.
Boundaryless Information Flow – 1) The Open Group trademark. 2) a representation of the desired state of the information infrastructure to support the business needs of the organization through combining multiple sources of information and delivering secured information across the enterprise.
Building Block – represents a component of business, IT, or architectural capability, which is combined with other building blocks to deliver architectures and solutions.
Business Architecture – a combination and interactions of business strategy, governance, organization, and key business processes.
Business Domain – a grouping of coherent business functions and activities.
Business Function – An identifiable component, which delivers business capabilities, aligned to the needs of an organization.
Business Governance – ensures the business processes and policies adhere to relevant regulatory standards and delivers expected business outcomes.
Business Service – an explicitly defined interface supporting business capabilities and governed by the organization.
Capability – the ability possessed by an organization, person, or system, which are defined in general terms.
Capability Architecture – a detailed description of the architectural approach to realize a particular solution or aspect of a solution.
Capability Increment – the output of a business change initiative delivering an increase in performance.
Communications and Stakeholder Management – the process and discipline of managing the needs of the stakeholders of the enterprise architecture and the execution of communication required.
Concerns – the key interests of the stakeholder in a system, which determine the acceptance of the system in the enterprise.
Constraints – any external factor, which prevents an organization from utilizing a specific approach to meet its goals.
Data Architecture – the structure of the logical and physical data assets and data management resources within an organization.
Deliverable – an architectural work product, which is specified contractually and represents the output of projects.
Enterprise – the description of an organization at the highest level covering all missions and functions.
Enterprise Continuum - a mechanism used to classify architecture and solution artifacts.
Environment Management – the processes and discipline to manage the environment required to support the operations of the enterprise architecture practice.
Financial Management – the processes and discipline to manage the financial aspects of the enterprise architecture practice.
Foundation Architecture – A set of generic services and functions used to build specific architectures and architectural components.
Framework – a structure for content or process used to provide consistency and completeness to a solution.
Gap – the statement of the difference between a baseline and target state of a focused area.
Governance – the discipline of monitoring, managing, and steering business activities to achieve desired business outcomes.
Information – a representation of facts, data, or opinions gathered for the purpose of sharing.
Information Technology (IT) – 1) the lifecycle management of information and related technology within an organization. 2) A terms used to represent the subject areas related to a computer environment. 3) A term assigned to a department tasked with providing services and support to a computer environment.
Interoperability – the ability to share information and services between departments, systems, or functions.
Knowledge – the awareness and understanding of information gained int eh form of experience or learning.
Logical – a definition of the architecture, which is independent of any implementation and typically, involves the grouping related physical entities based on their purpose and structure.
Metadata – data about data, which describes the characteristics of an entity.
Metamodel – a structured method describing architecture.
Method – a defined, repeatable approach to address a specific problem type.
Methodology – a defined, repeatable series of steps to address a particular problem type centering on a specific process.
Model – a representation of a subject of interest on smaller scales, more simplified, and/or abstractual.
Modeling – a technique though the construction of models enabling a subject to be represented.
Objective – a time-bound milestone demonstrating progress towards a goal.
Organization – a self-contained unit of resources with defined responsibility, goals, objectives, and measures.
Patterns – a technique for combining building blocks into a useful context.
Performance Management – the monitoring, control, and reporting of the performance of enterprise architecture.
Physical – a description of a real-world entity.
Platform – a combination of technology products and components used to host application software.
Platform Services – the technical capability required to provide the requirement infrastructure for supporting applications.
Principles – general rules and guidelines intended to inform and support the organization's fulfillment of its mission.
Reference Model – an abstract framework for understanding significant relationships between entities of an environment and to develop consistent standards or specification supporting that environment.
Repository – a system for manging the data of an enterprise.
Requirement – a statement of business need that must be met by a particular architecture or work package.
Resource Management – the acquisition, development, and management of human resources within the enterprise architecture.
Roadmap – an abstracted plan for business or technology change.
Role – 1) the usual or expected function of an actor. 2) The part an individual plays in an organization and the contribution made through skills, knowledge, experience, and abilities.
Segment Management – the process and discipline of the execution and performance of enterprise architecture services.
Service Orientation – a perspective formed by service terms and service-based development and the outcomes of services.
Service Oriented Architecture (SOA) – an architectural style based on the design of services, representing those services through the context provided by business descriptions, placing unique requirements on the infrastructure, and providing environment-specific implementations. SOA requires strong governance of service definition, representation, and implementation.
Skill – the ability to perform a job-specific activity.
Solution Architecture – a description of discrete and focused business operations, activities, and the IT supporting that operation.
Solution Building Blocks – a physical solution for an Architecture Building Block.
Solutions Continuum – a part of the Enterprise Continuum representing a repository of re-usable solutions for future implementations.
Stakeholder – an individual, team, or organization with particular interests or concerns for the outcome of architecture.
Standards Information Base (SIB) – a database of standards used to define the particular services and components of an organization-specific architecture.
Strategic Architecture – a formal description of the enterprise, providing an organizing framework for operational and change activity and direction setting.
Target Architecture – the description of a future state of the architecture being developed for an organization.
Taxonomy or Architecture Views – the organized collection of all views pertinent to an architecture.
Technical Reference Model (TRM) – a structure for describing the components of an information system in a consistent manner.
Technology Architecture – the logical software and hardware capabilities required to support deployment of business, data, and application services.
Transition Architecture – a formal description of the enterprise architecture showing periods of transition and development for sections of the enterprise.
View – a representation of a related set of concerns.
Viewpoint – a definition of the perspective using a specific view.
Work Package – a set of actions used to achieve one or more business objectives.

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